
August 2014

New! New! New!

The success of the hydrator joint venture between Cape Cycle Systems and Specialised Plastic Industries has given birth to a new improved BULLITT Sport bottle, the MK II. We are excited as we wait to have feedback from some of you extreme guys as to what you think. You will notice the improved grip area and the reduced ridge height allowing the cage to clip over it, to reduce the risk of losing it during extreme jumps.

We think you will like the BULLITT MK II. Why not give it a try?

December 2013

The end of another year.

Much has happened in 2013. We'd like to thank our clients and staff for their support and hard work in 2013 and wish you all a happy festive season and prosperous new year.

Here are 2 videos to show you our production line and injection moulding capabilities.

February/March 2013

The Big Move!

December 2012/January 2013

The building making progress.

August/October/November 2012

We are in the process of building our new factory in Capricorn Park, Cape Town.

July 2012

On the 8th of June 2012 we had 4 new machines arriving from China.

There is going to be lot going on in the next couple of months as we prepare and start builing our new premises.

January 2011

October 2010 saw the arrival of a 350 ton Engel to our premises. Before the Engel, the last moulding machine installation was a SM700 ton injection moulder which has greatly broadened our moulding parameters.

The year of 2011 has started with the expectation of much to come for us. We will be entering a new era with some new customers and products.